«Saying the words ‘extra virgin olive oil’ is always positive. Especially when this foodstuff is expertly used in diets by chefs who enhance its flavours and health properties». This was stated by the Executive Director of the International Olive Oil Council, Abdellatif Ghedira, in a statement to journalists attending the press conference of the 15th edition of Qoco – a trickle of oil on your plate. «The IOC,» Ghedira added, «analysed 10,000 English-language tweets containing the words olive oil. We found that the sentiment and emotional state underlying the text was generally positive, confident and happy. The most frequently used words in these tweets referred to fresh foods common in the Mediterranean diet, including extra virgin olive oil. The words ‘extra’ and ‘virgin’ were also found. The words ‘as good’, used a total of 1,787 times, topped the list. The root word ‘health’ appeared 397 times and the word ‘healthy’ 165 times.
«We welcome these competitions between chefs to extol the use of extra virgin olive oil in the kitchen,» IOC Executive Director Abdellatif Ghedira reported at the end. And for those who want to learn more about these topics, concluded Ghedira, you can visit the IOC’s website by clicking on the following links:
Happy reading to you all, in this magical world of extra virgin olive oil.
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MADRID, SPAIN / 06.09.2024
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