Acqua di rete adeguatamente trattata, usata per eliminare dai frutti sottoposti a trattamento con soluzione alcalina l’eccesso di alcale.
Acqua impiegata per eliminare dalle olive, dai recipienti, ecc, ogni materia estranea, come ad esempio residui di salamoia, foglie, ecc.
The IOC is hiring!
MADRID, SPAIN / 11.09.2024
The application deadline for the position of Head of the Administrative Management and Human Resources Unit is 15 October 2024 The IOC, the world’s only intergovernmental organisation dedicated to olive oil and table...
The IOC welcomes a delegation of Chinese companies and institutions
Towards a strengthened cooperation between China and the IOC A delegation of representatives from various Chinese companies and institutions, led by Mr Deng Yu, Director of the Longnan Olive Oil Research Centre, and Mr...