Attributo positivo dell’olio di oliva vergine, determinato in funzione dell’intensità di percezione. Insieme delle sensazioni olfattive caratteristiche dell’olio, che dipende dalla varietà delle olive, ricorda i frutti maturi, proviene da frutti sani, freschi, verdi e maturi, e percepito per via diretta e/o retronasale.
The IOC strengthens its cooperation with CSIC
MADRID, SPAIN / 12.09.2024
The two institutions will collaborate in the fields of training, research and technical cooperation The International Olive Council (IOC), through its Executive Director, Jaime Lillo, and the Spanish Higher Council for...
The IOC is hiring!
MADRID, SPAIN / 11.09.2024
The application deadline for the position of Head of the Administrative Management and Human Resources Unit is 15 October 2024 The IOC, the world’s only intergovernmental organisation dedicated to olive oil and table...