Comme chaque début de mois, voici le bulletin santé réalisé par l’Institut de médecine de l’Université de Navarre en collaboration avec le Secrétariat exécutif du Conseil oléicole international. L’accord entre les deux entités, scellé par un protocole, continue à produire de bons « fruits » en termes de diffusion des informations sur le rôle fondamental de l’huile d’olive dans les régimes alimentaires. Les études et recherches de pointe ne manquent pas et nous vous invitons à les consulter.
Dans ce numéro, nous parlons de l’huile d’olive bien sûr, mais aussi de l’alimentation des enfants et des adolescents, de la santé des femmes, des problèmes cardiovasculaires et digestifs, du soutien à la santé mentale, de la lutte contre le cancer et de nombreux autres sujets.
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De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur ce lien :
Olive oil
- Effects of n-6 PUFA-rich soybean oil, MUFA-rich olive oil and camellia seed oil on weight and cardiometabolic profiles among Chinese women: a 3-month double-blind randomized controlled-feeding trial.
- Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Effects of Olive Oil Triterpenic Acids in Obesity and Related Diseases.
Children and adolescents
- Early Life Nutrition and the Role of Complementary Feeding on Later Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Children up to 3 Years of Age.
- Does Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Have a Protective Effect against Asthma and Allergies in Children? A Systematic Review.
- Effectiveness of an Intervention Programme on Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in a Preschool Child: A Randomised Controlled Trial.
- Moderators of Food Insecurity and Diet Quality in Pairs of Mothers and Their Children.
- Quality of life related to health and habits: Differences between adolescents in rural and urban environments.
- Lifestyle mediates the relationship between self-esteem and health-related quality of life in Chilean schoolchildren.
Women’s health
- The Influence of Diet on Ovulation Disorders in Women-A Narrative Review.
- Efficacy, Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mediterranean Diet Intervention on Hormonal, Metabolic and Anthropometric Measures in Overweight and Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Study Protocol.
- Mediterranean Diet Combined With a Low-Carbohydrate Dietary Pattern in the Treatment of Overweight Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients.
- Mediterranean-Style Diet and Risk of Preeclampsia by Race in the Boston Birth Cohort.
Mental health
- The benefits of the Mediterranean diet in first episode psychosis patients taking antipsychotics.
- Healthy Food Pyramid as Well as Physical and Mental Activity in the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.
- The effect of a Mediterranean diet on the symptoms of depression in young males (the « AMMEND » study): A Randomized Control Trial.
- Mediterranean and Western diet effects on Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers, cerebral perfusion, and cognition in mid-life: A randomized trial.
Cardiovascular disease
- Effect of Dietary Phenolic Compounds on Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease in the SUN Project; 10 Years of Follow-Up.
- The Lifestyle Profile of Individuals with Cardiovascular and Endocrine Diseases in Cyprus: A Hierarchical, Classification Analysis.
- Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease Among Lebanese Women: A Case-Control Study.
Digestive system diseases
- Dietary patterns and gallstone risks in Chinese adults: a cross-sectional analysis of China Multi-Ethnic Cohort Study.
- A Combination of Mediterranean and Low-FODMAP Diets for Managing IBS Symptoms? Ask Your Gut!
- Cancer
- Diet impacts triple-negative breast cancer growth, metastatic potential, chemotherapy responsiveness, and doxorubicin-mediated cardiac dysfunction.
Other studies
- Adherence to the Mediterranean diet among adults in Mediterranean countries: a systematic literature review.
- Evaluating Dietary Patterns in Women from Southern Italy and Western Mexico.
- The role of nutrition in inflammaging.