Madrid - Until 16 April 2018, the Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Council (IOC) will be accepting applications for grants of up to €6 000 for the organization of events exclusively linked to the promotion of World Olive Day. This day is celebrated every year on 26 November. The announcement was made through a press release issued by the Promotion Department of the Economy and Promotion Unit of the IOC. The events must take place between 1 October and 30 November 2018, according to the conditions set out in the call for proposals published in the “Grants” section of this website. Applications for grants of up to 50% of eligible expenses will be approved within the limits of the budget approved by the Council of Members of the IOC, provided they comply with the established specifications. Eligible events include press conferences or similar events in connection to seminars, fairs or symposia aiming to increase awareness in the sector of the health benefits of a diet based on olive oil, or to discuss subjects relating to environmental protection, the development of harvesting, production and olive oil processing methods, or economic factors affecting the olive and olive oil sector. Only tasting competitions that comply with the rules of the IOC Mario Solinas competition will be considered. For further information, please refer to the documents of the call for proposals available on this website at the following link: