On 17 February 2022, H.E. Maria Manuela Lucas, Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique, accompanied by her staff, visited the headquarters of the IOC where she was welcomed by the Executive Director,
Abdellatif Ghedira, and the Head of the External Relations Department.
This meeting is part of the IOC’s communication policy, which has been underway for some years now, to inform countries that are not traditional producers – but consumers – of olive oil about the IOC’s mission and the activities undertaken to help develop the olive sector and, in particular, promote olive oil consumption.
Discussions also focused on the protection of consumers, particularly those in countries that do not have physico-chemical and sensory analysis laboratories, and on the risk they run of importing defective oils.
At the end of the meeting, H.E. the Ambassador showed great interest in this exchange of views and undertook to continue these discussions through her collaborators, in particular the Trade Officer, posted in Portugal, who will soon travel to Madrid to further the discussions. The idea of organising a videoconference between the Executive Secretariat’s experts and the Mozambican authorities involved in the olive sector was very well received by the Mozambican party.