The Head of the Olive growing, olive technology and environment Unit of the International Olive Council (IOC), Lhassane Sikaoui, as well as the Head of the Technical Cooperation and training department, Catarina Bairrao Balula, gathered with the Israeli Olive Oil Council of the Plants Production and Marketing Board, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in their past mission in Israel.
The meeting counted with the participation of Moghira Younis, head of the olive extension services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Uri Yogev, manager of the Israeli Olive Oil Council, Yitzhak Ziphori, expert & consultant of the Israeli Olive Oil Council, Ali Mazen, member of the Board of the Israeli Olive Oil Council, Marina Lictherman, food and olive oil quality control analyst at the Israeli Ministry of Health quality control laboratory, food analytical chemist, Ibrahim Jubran, field manager of the olive orchards of the Israeli Olive Oil Council.
The importance of the contribution of the IOC to the activities of the Israeli Olive Board was underlined, having the Board made an introduction to the Israeli olive sector and its main needs. The training of the olive millers was one of the main priorities identified as well as the need of samples to harmonise the Israeli panels at national level.
After a large discussion on possible joint activities, the IOC congratulated the Israeli olive board for the large number of organoleptic assessment panels recognised by the IOC and wished that soon physico- chemical olive oil testing laboratories may be recognised by the IOC in order to foster quality control, prevent fraud and protect the consumer’s rights.