The Executive Secretariat has posted issue 121 of OLIVAE in pdf format. For more details, readers should go to:
The website of the International Olive Council
The two institutions will collaborate in the fields of training, research and technical cooperation The International Olive Council (IOC), through its Executive Director, Jaime Lillo, and the Spanish Higher Council for...
The application deadline for the position of Head of the Administrative Management and Human Resources Unit is 15 October 2024 The IOC, the world’s only intergovernmental organisation dedicated to olive oil and table...
Towards a strengthened cooperation between China and the IOC A delegation of representatives from various Chinese companies and institutions, led by Mr Deng Yu, Director of the Longnan Olive Oil Research Centre, and Mr...
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Inspiration from the Mediterranean Diet for Contemporary Cooking Learn more about this collaboration between The Culinary Institute of America and the International Olive Council to advance Healthy, sustainable, delicious food choices -with a special focus on technical training and menu innovation for chefs.
Inspiration du régime méditerranéen pour les biscuits contemporains
Apprenez-en plus sur cette collaboration entre le Culinary Institute of America et le Conseil oléicole international pour faire progresser des choix alimentaires sains, durables et délicieux, avec un accent particulier sur la formation technique et l’innovation des menus pour les chefs.