July 2013 saw the introduction of a new tariff nomenclature for virgin olive oils (heading 150910) by the Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States Department of Agriculture where more detailed itemisation allows greater differentiation between the different types of oil. The old single category listed under code 1509102000 (virgin olive oil under 18 kg) is now broken down into ...
EXPOLIVA 2025: Scientific-Technical Symposium
JAEN, SPAIN / 13.01.2025
A Global Platform for Innovation in the Olive Oil Sector The International Olive Council (IOC), the Fundación del Olivar, and CIHEAM Zaragoza are pleased to announce that a scientific and technical symposium, organised as...
Publication of the Latest IOC Newsletter and Office Closure
MADRID, SPAIN / 23.12.2024
The International Olive Council (IOC) has published the latest issue of its Newsletter. It provides a summary of our recent activities and valuable insights into developments in the olive sector. Please note that the...
Closing Ceremony of the 21st Course for Experts in Virgin Olive Oil Tasting at the University of Jaén
The International Olive Council (IOC) took part in the closing ceremony of the 21st edition of the Course for Experts in Virgin Olive Oil Tasting, held from 25 September to 19 December 2024 at the University of Jaén. This...