The International Olive Council has created its own bespoke press review through social media curation platform Christened OLIVE NEWS (, the review assembles and publishes the latest news in English, French, Italian and Spanish about the international olive and olive oil industry and highlights other topics such as the Mediterranean Diet and health. The chief advantage of the review, which is updated daily, is its immediacy: users can access it whenever they want to keep up to the minute about the latest developments in the sector. Since it was set up in December 2013, it has published some 1,200 articles from the main industry media and received more than 5,600 visits.
The IOC is also increasingly more present in social networks, particularly Linkedin. The top professional network in the world, Linkedin has a membership of 277 million and more than 3 million corporate pages. Several IOC officers have a Linkedin account and keep in contact with professionals from the olive and olive oil industry. The Organisation has its own corporate page too. The IOC profile allows followers to receive first-hand information about the IOC and what it does: courses, traineeships, calls for tenders, meetings, press briefs,…. To follow the IOC, just click on the shortcut to Linkedin on the top right-hand side of the IOC home page (
A range of publications can be downloaded free from the IOC website. Some examples are the magazine OLIVAE, published in the five official IOC languages ( or scientific/technical publications such as the Guide to good practice in geographical indications or Production techniques in olive growing (
Visitors to the site will also find interactive technical guides on subjects like Olive nursery production and plant production techniques and the Code of good practice for the sustainable development of olive orchards located in areas characterised by fragile ecosystems ( or the five-language IOC glossary (
Other publications are for purchase, for instance the World Olive Encyclopaedia ( and World Catalogue of Olive Varieties (, or cookery books, monographs and leaflets (