OHIS: March newsletter, latest news
MADRID / 25.03.2022
In March, the newsletter from the Olive Health Information System (OHIS), the portal set up by the IOC with the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra, brings us the latest scientific research on olives and olive...
OHIS: latest news
MADRID / 11.03.2022
Extra virgin olive oil is the queen of the Mediterranean diet: this claim is regularly confirmed by new scientific studies. For this reason, the IOC, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of...
OHIS Newsletter 2022 February
MADRID / 14.02.2022
The collaboration between the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra and the Executive Secretariat of the IOC continues to bear fruit: the February 2022 newsletter is now live. The OHIS is a tool for sharing...
Five new updates from OHIS
Madrid / 11.02.2022
This week, we bring you five new updates from the OHIS health portal of the IOC and the University of Navarra’s School of Medicine. These are worth reading: two studies on interactions with olive oil during the...
OHIS: February newsletter online
MADRID / 07.02.2022
The February newsletter from the Olive Health Information System (OHIS) is now live. As you know, this health portal is the fruit of the collaboration between the Executive Secretariat of the International Olive Council and...
Latest news from OHIS
Madrid / 01.02.2022
New material has been added to OHIS, the portal for information on the Mediterranean diet and cooking with extra virgin olive oil that was created by the IOC and the medical school of the University of Navara. Below are...
Latest news from OHIS
Madrid / 22.01.2022
The Olive Health Information System (OHIS) is a web-based project signed between the International Olive Council and University of Navarra – School of Medicine. This project aims to provide a permanently updated...
Madrid / 02.10.2021
This week's articles summarize olive oils’ most prominent healthful benefits. From neuropsychiatric to cardiovascular health, its benefits are found across multiple age groups and in particular for women’s health.