1 notes

In August of the 2022/2023 crop year the unit value of extra-EU imports stood at € 213 per 100kg (+0.9% compared to the previous month).

Also in August, extra-EU imports mainly came from Morocco(-33.1%), Türkiye(+7.7%), Egypt(+1140.5%), and Albania(+6.6%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

In the 2021/2022 crop year, extra-EU imports of table olives reached 111 552 tonnes for an estimated value of €203.8 million (-3.7% and +3% , respectively, compared to the previous crop year).

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
France 31 507 54.3 30 662 52.0 30 240 51.3 31 271 53.7 31 306 55.3 28 549 62.0
Spain 16 160 16.6 10 287 12.8 18 133 20.5 16 377 18.8 7 704 9.3 10 394 15.9
Belgium 13 070 28.6 12 929 27.9 15 001 33.1 13 718 29.3 12 112 28.9 10 657 30.0
Romania 12 151 18.6 14 181 22.1 12 671 21.5 12 828 20.0 15 966 28.8 15 329 30.0
Italy 9 071 13.0 12 004 17.7 8 857 13.3 8 801 12.7 9 083 14.8 9 152 17.2
Germany 9 569 28.3 9 557 27.2 8 739 26.1 9 875 27.1 8 189 24.5 8 420 29.0
Greece 8 763 11.3 9 602 12.8 8 494 11.0 10 875 13.9 12 458 17.4 12 304 15.9
Bulgaria 5 026 5.0 5 746 6.0 5 967 7.2 5 175 6.6 6 570 9.2 6 879 10.2
Netherlands 2 157 5.1 2 139 4.6 2 070 4.4 2 762 6.1 2 114 5.0 2 547 6.8
Sweden 1 450 3.3 1 292 2.9 1 398 2.9 1 559 3.1 1 058 2.5 1 118 2.9
Austria 518 1.8 494 1.7 605 2.2 635 2.2 632 2.2 586 2.5
Ireland 596 2.2 512 2.4 511 2.1 819 1.7 2 573 1.5 478 1.6
Denmark 345 0.7 257 0.6 470 1.0 362 0.8 248 0.8 219 0.7
Others 961 1.8 794 1.4 499 1.1 819 1.7 1 538 3.7 662 1.7
Total 111 345 190.6 110 454 192.2 113 656 197.8 115 875 197.8 111 552 203.8 107 295 226.4
* Extra EU imports by importing country and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2022/2023 from September to August

On the other hand, intra-EU imports reached 373 179 tonnes for an estimated value of €780.3 million (+6.6% and +6.2%, respectively, compared to the previous crop year).

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Italy 64 213 118.2 71 463 136.2 65 706 128.0 62 482 119.2 60 728 141.5 74 059 161.2
France 51 384 88.1 52 188 94.0 59 394 102.6 62 637 108.1 76 793 109.9 79 171 123.9
Germany 42 835 120.4 45 618 128.6 44 695 132.1 43 395 137.4 42 021 137.2 44 014 147.5
Spain 20 386 18.3 20 475 17.1 31 212 19.0 21 313 14.4 33 970 21.8 38 496 30.2
Portugal 26 489 38.5 28 880 38.1 23 836 34.1 29 415 39.4 25 753 35.4 24 709 48.9
Belgium 15 681 30.8 21 033 40.4 21 236 49.6 21 652 59.8 23 413 61.7 19 508 64.8
Netherlands 19 323 45.6 16 856 43.8 18 219 51.9 24 663 57.1 22 653 58.2 17 419 57.3
Romania 18 298 32.7 13 345 28.7 14 827 33.0 17 523 38.6 12 439 31.1 13 410 34.0
Poland 11 390 26.6 13 053 29.6 12 491 30.8 13 947 33.6 14 015 35.3 14 514 40.2
Bulgaria 12 397 19.4 10 301 17.5 9 979 17.1 10 546 16.9 9 534 17.7 7 787 15.5
Sweden 7 976 22.4 8 406 23.8 7 729 22.1 7 423 21.8 8 701 26.7 8 395 28.3
Others 34 756 88.9 35 419 92.0 39 464 89.5 35 089 88.5 43 159 103.8 38 601 113.8
Total 325 128 650.0 337 036 689.8 348 787 709.7 350 086 735.0 373 179 780.3 380 084 865.6
* Intra EU imports by importing country and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2022/2023 from September to August

In terms of volumes by product category, 79% of total imports were under code 20057000 (olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen)) in the 2020/2021 crop year, followed by imports under 20019065 with 7.1%, 07099210 with 5.7%, 07112010 with 6.5%, and the remaining 1.8% under 07108010.

In August of the 2022/2023 crop year, the unit value of extra-EU imports of table olives stood at €213 per 100kg (+6.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +0.9% compared to the previous month) while the import volume stood at 8 274.5 tonnes (+6.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +2.9% compared to the previous month).

Also in August, extra-EU imports mainly came from Morocco(-33.1%), Türkiye(+7.7%), Egypt(+1140.5%), and Albania(+6.6%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Morocco 47 942 82.2 47 686 78.9 45 403 73.8 49 497 79.8 49 391 81.7 39 842 86.2
Türkiye 25 733 61.4 35 167 72.3 33 337 76.1 34 105 74.3 38 990 88.2 36 911 94.0
Egypt 26 592 30.2 15 878 22.3 20 967 25.7 16 951 21.1 7 465 12.6 14 655 22.1
Albania 5 349 5.6 5 735 5.8 6 461 8.6 9 401 12.3 9 316 11.8 12 014 15.2
Argentina 699 3.9 1 210 3.8 3 082 4.0 1 401 2.8 576 1.8 736 1.9
Syria 859 1.1 639 0.7 1 319 1.4 1 287 1.4 808 1.0 776 1.0
United Kingdom 1 174 0.8 991 1.7 1 043 3.9 1 117 1.8 2 649 1.0 534 1.0
North Macedonia 906 0.5 466 0.3 513 0.3 598 0.3 440 0.3 175 0.2
Peru 207 0.3 277 0.6 224 0.4 154 0.4 192 0.5 183 0.5
Lebanon 418 0.7 290 0.5 221 0.5 267 0.5 220 0.5 308 0.7
United States 124 0.5 189 0.5 219 0.8 74 0.2 132 0.4 38 0.1
Tunisia 315 0.5 325 0.5 198 0.3 249 0.3 210 0.4 109 0.2
Switzerland 116 0.6 123 0.8 187 1.0 198 1.2 198 1.1 200 1.0
Jordan 231 0.4 282 0.5 151 0.3 267 0.5 276 0.6 240 0.5
Chile 364 0.9 757 1.7 132 0.3 15 0.0 297 0.7 57 0.1
Others 315 1.0 439 1.1 200 0.6 293 0.9 392 1.3 517 1.5
Total 111 345 190.6 110 454 192.2 113 656 197.8 115 875 197.8 111 552 203.8 107 295 226.4
* Extra EU imports by partner and crop year. Volume in tonnes.Value in millions. 2022/2023 from September to August

Intra-EU imports mainly came from Spain and Greece.

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Spain 160 601 296.8 182 388 319.1 173 504 305.0 166 447 298.0 180 055 326.5 185 876 372.0
Greece 98 465 210.8 84 793 210.8 85 418 229.9 98 288 239.7 86 414 248.6 95 494 269.6
Portugal 19 134 18.0 21 739 19.9 31 617 19.8 20 990 14.0 34 400 21.4 37 931 28.2
Belgium 11 431 34.6 15 155 43.3 19 181 47.3 22 867 44.3 28 220 44.0 22 417 48.8
Germany 7 939 20.6 7 581 21.1 12 882 25.7 9 740 28.4 9 163 27.9 9 727 28.0
Italy 9 996 28.1 8 931 30.6 10 374 31.2 10 699 36.5 16 208 40.4 12 342 48.1
Netherlands 3 700 12.2 5 913 19.6 5 126 24.9 8 504 43.1 6 940 41.5 6 688 45.0
Bulgaria 5 398 9.7 2 511 5.8 2 606 5.3 3 038 5.4 3 275 5.8 2 319 4.7
France 1 678 4.6 1 575 4.8 2 139 5.2 2 317 5.7 2 379 5.8 1 736 4.8
Poland 1 385 2.7 1 361 2.6 1 181 3.3 1 820 5.7 1 478 6.2 1 078 4.2
Austria 709 3.0 714 2.8 946 1.8 1 227 2.1 1 116 1.5 784 1.6
Czechia 2 439 2.6 2 110 2.8 921 3.6 943 4.4 876 3.9 592 3.6
Slovakia 110 0.2 117 0.1 513 0.5 596 0.9 561 0.5 1 233 0.5
Sweden 356 1.3 406 1.4 332 1.2 397 1.5 284 0.9 238 0.8
Lithuania 187 0.6 166 0.5 301 0.6 279 0.6 160 0.6 164 0.8
Others 1 601 4.2 1 574 4.6 1 746 4.3 1 935 4.7 1 651 4.8 1 465 4.7
Total 325 128 650.0 337 036 689.8 348 787 709.7 350 086 735.0 373 179 780.3 380 084 865.6
* Intra EU imports by partner and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2022/2023 from September to August

1. Extra-EU

  • In August, The unit value of imports stood at €213 per 100kg (+6.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +0.9% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, The volume of imports in stood at 8 274.5 tonnes (+6.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +2.9% compared to the previous month). imports mainly came from August, extra-EU imports mainly came from Morocco(-33.1%), Türkiye(+7.7%), Egypt(+1140.5%), and Albania(+6.6%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

  • Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen) (20057000):

1.1 Table olives

1.1.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.1.2 Import volume (tonnes)

1.1.3 Import value (€ - millions)

1.1.4 Import average price (€ / 100 kg)

1.2 Import unit value index

1.2.1 Import unit value index by product quality

1.2.2 Month over month import unit value index variation rates (%)

1.3 Import by product quality

1.3.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.3.2 Import volume (tonnes)

1.4 Import by country (Extra-EU)

1.4.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.4.2 Import volume (tonnes)

1.5 Table olives import by country (Extra-EU) (20057000)

1.5.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.5.2 Import volume (tonnes)

1.6 Flows

1.6.1 Extra-EU, volume (2020/2021) (tonnes)

1.6.2 Extra-EU, value (2020/2021) (€ - ×1000)

1.6.3 Extra-EU, volume (2021/2022) (tonnes)

1.6.4 Extra-EU, value (2021/2022) (€ - ×1000)

2 Intra-EU

2.1 Table olives

2.1.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

2.1.2 Import volume (tonnes)

2.1.3 Import value (€ - millions)

2.1.4 Import average price (€ / 100 kg)

2.2 Flows

2.2.1 Intra-EU (2020/2021) (t)

2.2.2 Intra-EU (2021/2022) (t)

Contact: International Olive Council - Economic and Promotion Unit - Economic Research and Statistics Department

Some of the data are subject to review. Figures are subject to change or correction without notice.

Latest update: Thu Nov 23 22:48:24 2023

IOC own elaboration based on data from the European Commission; EUROSTAT; the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain; ISMEA (Italy); and information provided by member countries.

In order to make the historical data comparable the figures have been calculated for the EU-27. The United Kingdom is no longer a Member State of the European Union, however until the end of the transition period, 31 January 2020, it is still part of the EU Customs Union.

Some of the data are subject to review. Estimates are subject to change or correction without notice.

Olive crop year means the period from 1 September of year t to 30 August of year t+1 for table olives.

Trade value in FOB type (free on board).

Import unit value in € / 100 kg.

Import value in € (1 million = 106; 1 billion = 109).

Import volume in tonnes, 1t=1000kg=1Mg.

The unit value index of imports is based on Paasche’ Chain Index method. The data are not seasonally adjusted. The unit value is calculated as (trade value)/quantity.

Harmonized System Codes: Table olives = 20057000 + 20019065 + 07108010 + 07112010 + 07099210 .

20057000 olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid (excl. frozen)

20019065 liben olives, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid

07108010 liben olives, uncooked or cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, frozen

07099210 liben fresh or chilled olives (excl. for oil production)

07112010 liben olives provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for oil production