1 notes

In August of the 2022/2023 crop year, the unit value index of extra-EU imports increased by +14.1% compared to the previous month. The unit value of extra-EU imports stood at €564 per 100kg (+13.2%).

Also in August, the imports of the European Union from Tunisia reached 8 630.9 tonnes (-1.8%, compared to the previous month).

In the 2021/2022 crop year, extra-EU imports of olive oil reached 151 560 tonnes for an estimated value of €480.3 million (-9.6% and +22.1% , respectively, compared to the previous crop year).

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Spain 99 794 324.6 84 133 208.2 151 997 274.9 100 652 207.8 85 626 244.4 84 741 356.2
Italy 64 294 214.5 48 490 118.2 81 869 157.1 51 159 126.6 51 469 172.5 59 982 297.8
France 9 000 37.3 7 514 26.9 9 192 31.0 8 303 29.2 8 183 32.6 6 726 35.4
Portugal 3 998 13.5 699 1.8 2 273 4.5 436 1.2 1 0.0 545 3.2
Belgium 1 601 6.9 1 838 7.1 1 765 6.5 2 750 10.4 1 955 8.2 1 847 10.8
Netherlands 968 5.7 1 258 8.1 1 594 9.2 1 470 8.7 1 205 8.6 517 2.5
Others 2 514 10.3 2 975 10.2 3 866 10.9 2 869 9.6 3 121 14.0 1 885 11.2
Total 182 169 612.9 146 907 380.7 252 556 494.0 167 639 393.4 151 560 480.3 156 242 716.8
* Extra EU imports by importing country and crop year. Volume in tonnes. Value in millions. 2022/2023 from October to August

By partner country, Tunisia, Türkiye, Argentina and Morocco are the most representative partners of the European Union. They cover around 90% of imports from the European Union.

Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Tunisia 122 663 419.2 106 629 272.8 219 727 418.9 140 758 319.4 123 096 386.6 101 578 475.4
Türkiye 15 059 50.9 5 525 12.9 7 696 15.3 4 140 10.2 4 186 13.2 25 246 112.0
Argentina 10 854 34.7 5 082 11.9 7 457 15.3 7 321 19.0 5 997 18.5 4 433 20.6
Morocco 6 311 19.1 16 509 38.0 6 125 13.9 5 665 16.0 9 909 30.0 5 117 20.7
Peru 87 0.2 918 2.4 3 181 5.7 1 646 2.9 632 1.8 2 548 9.4
Syria 20 264 61.2 8 089 24.0 2 978 5.1 3 732 7.7 2 618 5.8 7 758 32.0
United Kingdom 2 478 9.7 2 334 7.8 2 351 7.2 1 249 4.9 1 873 8.2 846 5.4
Chile 903 3.2 174 0.5 865 2.2 1 052 2.6 1 118 3.9 1 289 7.2
Palestinian Territories 367 3.3 634 6.2 580 5.7 562 5.4 457 5.3 89 1.1
Egypt 1 645 5.3 138 0.2 538 1.0 209 0.5 219 0.5 1 594 7.2
Uruguay 0 0.0 1 0.0 401 0.9 238 0.5 293 0.9 220 0.8
Others 1 537 6.1 874 3.8 657 2.7 1 067 4.3 1 161 5.6 5 525 25.1
Total 182 169 612.9 146 907 380.7 252 556 494.0 167 639 393.4 151 560 480.3 156 242 716.8
* Extra EU imports by partner and crop year. Volume in tonnes.Value in millions. 2022/2023 from October to August

In terms of volumes by product category in the 2021/2022 crop year, 66.7% of total imports were under code 15091020 (extra virgin olive oil), followed by imports under code 15091010 (Virgin lampante) with 26.9%, 15099000 (Other olive oils) with 2.9%, and the remaining 3.5% under 15091080 (Virgin olive oil).

In August of the 2022/2023 crop year, the unit value index of extra-EU imports stood at 238.7 (+81.7% compared to the same period previous crop year or +14.1% compared to the previous month).

Also in August of the 2022/2023 crop year, the unit value of extra-EU imports stood at €564 per 100kg (+77.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or +13.2% compared to the previous month) while the import volume stood at 18 433.3 tonnes (+34.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.4% compared to the previous month).

In August, extra-EU imports mainly came from Tunisia(-25.9%), Türkiye(+678.6%), Argentina(+121.6%), Morocco(+142.3%), Peru(+130.5%), Syrian Arab Republic(+149.9%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

Tunisia is the main partner of the European Union with a share of 46.8%, the import volume from this country stood at 8 630.9 tonnes (-25.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or -1.8% compared to the previous month). The table below shows imports by month and partner country of the European Union (tonnes).

The unit value of extra-EU imports from Tunisia stood at €619 per 100kg (+99.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +12.9% compared to the previous month), while the unit value of total imports from outside the European Union was €563.9, (€55.4).

1. Extra-EU

In August of the 2022/2023 crop year, the unit value index of the extra-EU in stood at 238.7 (+81.7% compared to the same period previous crop year or +14.1% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, The unit value of imports stood at €564 per 100kg (+77.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or +13.2% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, The volume of imports in stood at 18 433.3 tonnes (+34.1% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.4% compared to the previous month). Imports mainly came from Tunisia(-25.9%), Türkiye(+678.6%), Argentina(+121.6%), Morocco(+142.3%), Peru(+130.5%), Syrian Arab Republic(+149.9%), compared to the same period the previous crop year.

Extra virgin olive oil

  • In August, the unit value index of imports stood at 255.4 (+91.6% compared to the same period previous crop year or +17.4% compared to the previous month).

  • In August,The unit value of imports stood at €619.6 per 100kg (+78.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +17.4% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the volume of imports stood at 11 702.9 tonnes (+39.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or -4.2% compared to the previous month).

Virgin olive oil

  • In August, the unit value index of imports stood at 197.1 (+98.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or -2.7% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the unit value of imports stood at €459.9 per 100kg (+38.4% compared to the same period previous crop year or -2.7% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the import volume stood at 914.1 tonnes (+176.2% compared to the same period previous crop year or -50.1% compared to the previous month).

Other olive oils

  • In August, the unit value index of imports stood at 165.2 (+13.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.7% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the unit value of imports stood at €521.3 per 100kg (+13.4% compared to the same period previous crop year or +1.7% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the import volume stood at 1 000.4 tonnes (+81.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +88% compared to the previous month).

Pomace olive oil

  • In August, the unit value index of imports stood at 193 (-19.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or -13.6% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the unit value of imports stood att €178.3 per 100kg (-1.9% compared to the same period previous crop year or -13.6% compared to the previous month).

  • In August, the import volume stood at 3 260.4 tonnes (+852.5% compared to the same period previous crop year or +42.2% compared to the previous month).

1.1 Olive oil

1.1.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.1.2 Import volume (tonnes)

1.1.3 Import value (€ - millions)

1.2 Import unit value index

1.2.1 Import unit value index by product quality

1.2.2 Monthly import unit value index variation rates (%)

1.2.3 Month over month import unit value index variation rates (%)

1.3 Import by product quality

1.3.1 Import unit value (€ / 100 kg)

1.3.2 Import volume (tonnes)

1.4 Olive oil import by country (Extra-EU)

1.4.1 Import volume (tonnes)

1.5 Flows

1.5.1 Extra-EU (2019/2020) (tonnes)

1.5.2 Extra-EU, value (2019/2020) (€ - millions)

1.5.3 Extra-EU, volume (2020/2021) (tonnes)

1.5.4 Extra-EU, value (2020/2021) (€ - millions)

1.5.5 Extra-EU, volume (2021/2022) (tonnes)

1.5.6 Extra-EU, value (2021/2022) (€ - millions)

Contact: International Olive Council - Economic and Promotion Unit - Economic Research and Statistics Department

Some of the data are subject to review. Figures are subject to change or correction without notice.

Latest update: Thu Nov 23 22:40:07 2023

IOC own elaboration based on data from the European Commission; EUROSTAT; the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain; ISMEA (Italy); and information provided by member countries.

In order to make the historical data comparable the figures have been calculated for the EU-27. The United Kingdom is no longer a Member State of the European Union, however until the end of the transition period, 31 January 2020, it is still part of the EU Customs Union.

Some of the data are subject to review. Estimates are subject to change or correction without notice.

Olive crop year means the period from 1 October of year t to 30 September of year t+1 for olive oil.

Trade value in CIF type.

Import unit value in € / 100 kg.

Import value in € (1 million = 106; 1 billion = 109).

Import volume in tonnes, 1t=1000kg=1Mg.

The unit value index of import is based on Paasche’ Chain Index method. The data are not seasonally adjusted. The unit value is calculated as (trade value)/quantity.

Harmonized System Codes: Olive oil = 15091010+15091020+15091080+15099000.

15091010 Virgin lampante; 15091020 Extra virgin olive oil; 15091080 Virgin olive oil; 15099000 Other olive oils; 15100010 Crude olive-pomace oil; 15100090 Refined olive-pomace oil;

From January 2022:

Harmonized System Codes: Olive oil = 15094000+15092000+15093000+15099000.

15092000 Extra virgin olive oil (EU cat. 1) (15091020->15092000) 15093000 Virgin olive oil (EU cat. 2) (15091080->15093000) 15094000 Virgin lampante olive oil (EU cat. 3) (15091010->15094000) 15099000 Other olive oil (EU cat. 4 and 5) (15099000) 15101000 Crude olive pomace oil (EU cat. 6) (15100010->15101000) 15109000 Refined olive pomace oil (EU cat. 7 and 8) (15100090->15109000)